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Welcome to our HRSC Fundraising page! Fundraising is so important for a non-profit skating club like ours. Our seasonal fundraising activities subsidize our programs and ensure that we can keep our registration costs as low as possible while having great quality programming and events.  

Purdy's Chocolate

2 Different Ways to Order!

Order 1: Catalogue!

Catalogue Ordering is now complete :)

Order 2: Chocolate Bars!

We ask all CanSkaters, Rising Stars, and StarSkaters to contribute to this fundraiser by selling delicious Purdy's individual chocolate bars. Each bar is sold for $4 and all proceeds go directly to keeping our program costs consistent! How much do we ask each family to sell?

CanSkate & Rising Stars: 1 box

JR StarSkate: 2 boxes

SR StarSkate: 3 boxes

But you're always free to sell more! We sincerely appreciate the team effort in helping make this fundraiser a success. 

If you have any questions anytime regarding the link or orders, please Email Rozlyn @

Holiday Showcase

We will be having our annual holiday showcase on Dec 16 between 4-7 pm!

On-Site Fundraising Activities:

50/50 Draw

Bake Sale

Flower Sale

Purdy's Chocolate Sale

We hope you can come and enjoy our holiday showcase as well as support our activities and win some fun prizes!

All transactions are in Canadian Dollars